Why is it so easy to neglect the things that make and keep us healthy, sane, and strong? Being healthy is simple, but our lifestyle makes it hard. If I get 7 to 8 hours of sleep, I feel better, so why do I stay up too late knowing I have to get up early? Processed foods and sugar zap my energy, yet I still want them. Exercise will help me live longer; I don’t want to do it daily. When I spend time with God, I’m stronger, kinder, and more hopeful, yet it’s so easy to put it off. We like the power of the grind, the satisfaction of pushing through, and the credit and praise. Successful people do most of their work in secret places away from the eyes and accolades. The danger of simplicity of the secret place is that it’s too easy to neglect.
How shall we escape if we ignore so great a salvation? This salvation, which was first announced by the Lord, was confirmed to us by those who heard him.
Hebrews 2:3
Sustaining Life
Have you ever wondered what it means to be made in God’s image? I’m sure there’s more to it but, at the very least, he created us as triune beings. Instead of Father, Son, snd Holy Spirit, it’s the body, soul (mind, will, and emotions) and spirit. It’s our responsibility to nurture each one. We can’t sustain a good life by ignoring these areas. Our body needs sleep, exercise, and healthy food, our soul with healthy relationships, thoughts, laughter, and love. The spirit needs time with God, and it is the usher that brings us to God. The Bible says that our spirit strengthens our spirits are what can sustain us. We can work play and live with a broken spirit, but not for long. Life becomes unbearable if our spirits are depleted and can’t help us.
The spirit of a man sustains him in sickness, But as for a broken spirit, who can bear it?
Proverbs 18:14
The Great Secret Places
The secret place of the spirit is when you meet with a mighty and loving God. It’s where the cares and concerns of this earth, fade into the beauty of time with the one who knows you best and loves you the most. The secret place is in the heart as it spends intimate time with God. Moses had the secret place time at Horeb. King David prepared himself in the secret spots of the shepherd’s fields; Jesus’ secret place was the desert, the mountain, and the garden of Gethsemane. Deborah had her tree; Mary was alone with God when visited by the angel. There are accounts throughout the old and new testaments of those who did great miracles having that secret and holy place where they met with God.
But first and most importantly seek (aim at, strive after) His kingdom and His righteousness [His way of doing and being right—the attitude and character of God], and all these things will be given to you also.
Matthew 6:33
My Place
For me, in the stillness of the early morning while everyone is asleep is God’s time. I try to stay mentally hushed while washing my face, brushing my teeth and hair, and changing into workout clothes. I put on my worship playlist. While diffusing Frankincense, I prepare my heart as the music plays. Starting my time lying on my back on a yoga mat, warming up both my spirit and body is most useful for me. Moving in purposeful stretches and physical therapy exercises while the songs play helps my mind to focus. All sorts of things dart through my mind; I’ve learned not to give them attention. The songs I choose to play are Bible-based, they address my weaknesses and worries and his strength, love, and greatness. Each day I work to focus on touching or believing God and the song, each day, it gets easier.
…Come before His presence with joyful singing.
Psalm 100:2
The Power of Vulnerability
Worship ushers us to his throne, into his presence. I lift my heart, tell him my needs, and ask forgiveness if I feel guilty. I talk to him in my mind putting my requests before him, and as I stretch physically, I reach to receive his grace. Spending time with God comes from stillness and singleness of spirit and worship. Naturally, it’s calm, opposite of anything that’s going on in the earth right now. We don’t have to struggle, sacrifice, to get our emotions trudged up, and militant for something to be compelling. Since it’s simple, it’s easy to miss, easy to neglect. Sometimes it’s easy to see how God loves other people and harder to see how he loves us. In those quiet moments of that humble place that we receive the grace, strength as we see ourselves through his eyes of love.
But first and most importantly seek (aim at, strive after) His kingdom and His righteousness [His way of doing and being right—the attitude and character of God], and all these things will be given to you also.
Matthew 6:33
This Week
Let’s purpose to spend time with God each day in that secret place, away from the distractions and the worldly cares. We can trust him with our vulnerability, our shortcomings, and he can handle our doubts, anger, and honesty. Take time to meditate on his word, worship Him, and receive His life-giving grace. My prayer is that you will remember to take the time for the healthy things, that you will be able to receive the grace from that secret place in God. Amen.