It’s been said that bitterness or unforgiveness is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. This poem is about forgiving a narcissistic abuser. They don’t deserve it, but you deserve to be free from them.

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Seeking God & Finding Courage
It’s been said that bitterness or unforgiveness is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. This poem is about forgiving a narcissistic abuser. They don’t deserve it, but you deserve to be free from them.
Many cases of abuse are perpetrated through the underestimation or misinterpretation of what it is to be a true peacemaker. Let’s look at what a peacemaker is and isn't. And how triggers play a part in our victimhood, making us punching bags instead of peacemakers.
In "Narcissist"
We all have internal battles. Today’s poem concerns the war of faith and doubt that rages within us. It’s about the struggle with our faith in God to do something new in an area where we've been hurt.
In "Faith"
If you live long enough to be in a relationship or have dealings with a toxic person. If you have, you may be able to relate to this post. One of the most challenging things is feeling that that you'll get justice. You've played into their hands, fallen prey to…
In "Cancer"