Putting The “Try” In Our Trials

What do we do when we are tired of going through trials? It’s easier said than done, but we need to keep moving forward, but how? You may want to ask God if we should try something else. Have you ever heard, “If you want something you’ve never had, you must be willing to do something you’ve never done?” * Maybe it’s time. There’s one thing about a trial. We are so miserable; we become desperate enough to try something new. Our trial may provide the perfect opportunity to learn or experience something outside our comfortable box.

Get Out of Jail Free

Just because you are a Christian, you don’t receive a “Get out of jail free” card from difficulties and pain. It’s the unfortunate fate for every human on the earth. God initially created a perfect place for us to live. When humankind followed Lucifer into rebellion, we could no longer stay in that Holy Place. We are relegated to the earth infected with the pain, toil, and heartache of sin. There’s good news. God never stopped loving us. He provided Savior to pay for and deliver us from the bondage of sin. The Bible never promised to deliver us out of all of our trials, but he promised to help us in them. I’d don’t know how I could have gotten through the problems I’ve had in the last few years without him. His peace, joy, wisdom, and love have made me strong and carried me through.

I am the Door; anyone who enters through Me will be saved [and will live forever], and will go in and out [freely], and find pasture (spiritual security). 10 The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance [to the full, till it overflows].

John 10:9-10

Toxic Positivity

I discovered among terminal patients (Technically, I am one) a phrase called “toxic positivity.” Terminal patients face unbearable situations that would cause anyone depression, anger, and hopelessness. Cancer patients may go through hell to show up that day. For some, the thought of dying while seeing others enjoy life can be a trigger. When a person says, “God’s got it, have faith, or think positive” to someone who’s teetering out on the edge of death, it feels like an attack. When you’re in this state, tired clichéd quotes or unsolicited advice is not merely annoying; it feels toxic. Only God can give us supernatural hope within our heartache. We may not always get the result we want, but a spiritual hope that transcends trials is nothing short of miraculous. It doesn’t come through talk or advice but through God creating out to us in our pain with his comfort.

Jesus said to her, “[a]I am the Resurrection and the Life. Whoever believes in (adheres to, trusts in, relies on) Me [as Savior] will live even if he dies;

John 11:25

The Raging Thoughts

God is merciful; he knows everything we feel, even if we’re mad at him. Sometimes we’re caught in a whirlwind of negative thoughts swirling around our minds. We feel oppressed and hopeless. We don’t have to be a victim of every thought that enters our minds. Not every thought is the truth, nor do they come from God. When we’re thrown into the middle of difficulties and pain tears our hearts, we’re getting hammered with negativity. We need to stand up to these raging thoughts like one would a bully. While I was going through cancer treatment, it was easy to go down the rabbit hole of darkness. (thanks Google) When you have stage 4 and plan your funeral, you have thoughts that torment you in the night. God gave me wisdom during this time to use some practical strategies for the mind, emotions, and body he designed.

 Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.

Romans 12:21

Life Plates

Life gives us two plates, one of disaster and the other of blessing. It’s always something on the good plate, no matter how small. Our brains are designed to focus on the negative. We also tend to magnify those things on which we focus. It’s our prerogative, even our duty, to use that and place our attention on the positive plate. By doing this, we don’t deny the event. We are overcoming evil with good. We are magnifying the positive. During chemo, there were times where I thought it’d be so much easier to die and give up. God knew how I felt. He didn’t condemn me for it, but I asked him to help me focus on the good. He did, and he gave me the wisdom in Romans 12:21. To overcome the negative things, I had to input the positive.

Our weapons are divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. We are destroying sophisticated arguments and every exalted and proud thing that sets itself up against the [true] knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought and purpose captive to the obedience of Christ, being ready to punish every act of disobedience when your own obedience [as a church] is complete.

2 Corinthians 10:4-10

DeTox & Deprogram

When we’re in the middle of the whirlwind, we can’t always climb out on our own. We are endowed with powerful tools. God gave us a brain, creativity, and talents to use, and then he expects that we will leave the rest to him. We can trust him to guide us. I want to share with you a few practical strategies that helped me during my dark times. God says to call on him, and he will answer and show us things we don’t know. Well, sometimes I don’t know what the positive side is or how to get there. At other times, the stress builds up in my heart and mind that I can hardly stand it. These natural responses are built-in alarms that we need to take care of some practicalities. Below are some practical strategies that helped me focus on my realm.

Practical Strategies

  • Try modern medicine. Sometimes we need help, and several medical advances can help us. God has given intelligence and creativity to man and delights in us, using them to improve our lives. Don’t ever feel bad about taking antidepressants, chemo, antibiotics, or any other medicine. If you have a problem with medication, you should also have a problem with aspirin for your headache, glasses for your eyes, and Immodium.
  • For the Spirit, Pump Up The Praise – Since my spirit was nearly crushed, I listened to a praise playlist my kids made me; I listened to my favorite preachers, sometimes going to bed with their sermons in my ears. Psalm 22:3 he inhabits our praises. His word brings life (Psalm 119:25) and light Psalm 119:130.
  • For the Mind, Rest it Out- We can’t do anything if our mind is so stressed that we can’t focus. Sleep and rest are so important while going through. I gave myself a bedtime., put away my phone and used things like lavender oil, easy music, hot baths, melatonin. Not only did God rest on the 7th day, several times in the Bible, but we are also commanded (it wasn’t as a suggestion) to rest.
  • For the Emotions, Be Contrary, Be Thankful – Since negative was inundating me, I decided to do the opposite. I stopped watching the news and only watched comedies. I made myself laugh 3 times a day like medicine. A merry heart does good like medicine, Proverbs 17:22. Gratitude journals are a big thing nowadays because they work. (Philippians 4:8 tells us that)
  • For the Body- Give it Goodness – During cancer, I strengthened my body but cutting down on sugar and increasing healthy foods. I spent time in the sun (For immunity, serotonin, and vitamin D), I began to exercise (it was a pitiful exercise; I was not athletic), I tried it all, replaced the toxic in my life with the nontoxic. A little exercise relieves stress and takes care of your body. It’s the temple of God. (I Corinthians 6:19-20)

The Try

When we invite God in, it’s easier to deal with anything when our bodies, minds, and emotions are as stable as we can make them. Sometimes we can’t do any of that, and we’re utterly helpless. That’s when God steps in with his love and power. He strengthens our spirits, and we won’t be crushed under the weight of oppression. Putting God’s word in our hearts and minds is powerful. He animates it to give us a lift at the perfect time. We still cry, but we can also laugh. God provides us with joy and strength. Our pain squeezes out our worldly desires and opens our spirits while God weaves his beauty, grace, and love throughout our lives. When we try inviting God into our trials, he will show up for us in mighty ways. We only have to try.

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