The Gift of Prayer (part 2)

Have you ever heard, “It’s more blessed to give than receive”? In “The Gift of Prayer (part 1),” I explained how sometimes, when I pray for others, I get encouragement for them. It’s often in the form of a poem. I’ve had people bless me this way, particularly during cancer. Sometimes, it is a phone call, email, or text; they share a song other times. It’s a gift when someone reaches out to me in my time of need, in my desperation with God. God designed it to be just as much as a gift to me when I am the giver.

In all things I gave you an example, that so laboring you ought to help the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”
Acts 20:35 WEB

Below is another poem I wrote, directly reflecting what God might say. I don’t hear God audibly, but I feel He flows out of me in poetry. It’s inklings, feelings, and messages that well up in my heart and mind and flow onto the page. I’m not a scribe taking dictation, but my intercession poetry comes from the heart and through my limited human soul and penchant for loving rhyme and metaphor. “The Sky and the Moon” is an encouragement and exhortation to put him on the heart’s throne; He will shine through to the world. I am praying that it blesses you.

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