Shame and guilt are some of the most toxic emotions we can hold. They are tormenting, and though we hide them, they influence our outer behaviors and even make us easy to manipulate. Confession to the person helps if we hurt someone, but that’s not always possible. There’s a guilt that comes from deep within us when we hurt others or sin against God. We can try to bury it, justify it, but it’s always there. Its the entire reason for the cross, and the importance of it can’t be underrated. God, in his love, made a way out for us. Because of this, I’m not ashamed to tell others about his redemptive plan. The gospel, in turn, is the power of God for salvation, the ability to have those I tell free from their shame too.
16 I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation [from His wrath and punishment] to everyone who believes [in Christ as Savior], to the Jew first and also to the Greek.
Romans 1:16
We’d Ruin Heaven
Heaven is a place of no tears, mourning, or sadness because it’s void of sin and completely filled with God. Sin runs rampant in our society, and it’s the cause of pain. The second he’d allow any of us in without repentence and forgiveness through Jesus, we’d ruin heaven. Sin includes the little white lies, the anger in our hearts, lust in the eye, and the burning jealousy for our neighbor. We might be able to hide it from people, but God sees it all. Sin runs through our souls like blood through our veins. We can’t go a week or even a day without sinning. It’s the reason we need the power of the gospel to save us from his wrath and punishment. God wants us to know and tell others there is a way of escape from sin.
For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 6:23
Why Can’t God Change the Rules?
Have you ever wondered why God can’t change the rules so none would go to hell? Truth, holiness, and righteousness aren’t mere choices for God, they are who he is. God is fundamentally holy, and nothing can change that. Lucky for us, he is also merciful. Sin, the Bible says, ends in death and hell. Society may think they can redefine anything, but the truth is steadfast, unflinching, and unchanging. It’s the reason God sent Jesus to the cross. God’s love for us is so mighty that while we were still in our sin, he sent his son to die for us. He doesn’t ignore or deny our sin, nor does he pat us on the head and say, “It’s okay.” He sent Jesus to satisfy our sentence, our punishment, of death so we can be free from sin and blessed with him. Though Jesus, God can say, “You’re forgiven.”
But God clearly shows and proves His own love for us, by the fact that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 5:8
God, thank you for speaking to my heart today. Thank you also for sending Jesus to die for my sins so I can live with you. Right now, I apply that blessing to my life. Please forgive me for everything I’ve done and the sins that come to my mind right now. . I thank you that I’m forgiven through the sacrifice of your son Jesus. Thank you that my sin is cleansed so that I will be in heaven with you one day and also that you are down here on earth with me. I open my heart and my life to your leading and guidance in my life. I thank you that I will in not be ashamed to tell others the gospel for its power of forgiveness.