One of my love languages is “gifts.” It’s not because I’m selfish and want more stuff; I love giving and receiving equally. I choose the gifts I give carefully. I base my choices on observing the lives, hearts, and needs of the ones I love. Receiving a gift is like receiving an act of love. It’s more than just things that I like. It’s about the thought, effort, and sacrifice involved in considering, buying, wrapping, and presenting the gifts. I am almost giddy with the season’s gift-giving and receiving. However, nothing compares to the greatest gift ever given. It is the reason Christmas exists at all. It’s the gift of eternal life. An almighty God comes to earth in the most approachable form. Let’s not allow the business of the season to rob us of the most valuable gift we could ever receive.
“17 For if, because of one man’s trespass, death reigned through that one man, much more will those who receive the abundance of grace and the free gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man Jesus Christ.” Romans 5:17
Open Your Gift
There’s pain and suffering in the world because one man chose sin. God sent Jesus in the form of one man to pay the price we couldn’t pay so that we could receive eternal life. The life that was robbed from us in the garden is now offered to us through nail-scarred hands. If you haven’t received the gift of salvation, now is the time. Don’t be like those in Bethlehem and miss the moment of God’s grace. Sit before God, give Him those sins, and receive Jesus’s sacrifice for your forgiveness.